Ökonomie der Anpassung an den Klimawandel

Ökonomie der Anpassung an den Klimawandel


Climate change affects different German regions and economic sectors to varying degrees. Therefore, private as well as institutional actors face varying challenges in order to adequately adjust to global warming. Meanwhile, economic research on the costs of climate change mitigation has been broadly established. However, research studying the economic effects of adapting to climate change has focused so far either on highly aggregated spatial and institutional scales or it has concentrated on particular economic sectors, e.g. coastal protection or agriculture. The project “Economics of Climate Change Adaptation” addressed these issues with a comprehensive perspective at different scale levels. Read on...

The project "Economics of Climate Change Adaption" was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding program "Economics of Climate Change" with the funding number 01LA1137A and ran from November 2011 – December 2015. On this website you will find all information, results and publications of the project summarized. The Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) is also conducting research on adaptation to and costs of climate change in follow-up projects. www.ioew.de/en

This project website documents the project and will not be updated further. Status: May 2021